Areas of Law
Grant's practice incorporates all areas of crime, but particular specialities include fraud (including computer and internet fraud), drug offences (National Crime Agency), people trafficking, murder, all offences of violence (including large scale prison riots and a number of football cases), firearms offences, car ringing and rape. He has defended extensively in cases involving defendants with mental health issues. Other areas of speciality are Police discipline, Road Traffic, Inquests, football banning orders, health and safety and other financial regulatory work.
Asset Forfeiture & Confiscation
R v S – (CCC) Was an allegation of involvement in a boiler room fraud in Spain S was alleged to have committed a conspiracy to commit fraud by false representation. The date span in the indictment was 1st April 2007 and 31st December 2010. S had worked in a mid-level management role in a ‘boiler room’ operation in Spain. The ‘boiler room’ had targeted vulnerable and elderly investors selling to them worthless or low-value shares. The confiscation proceedings were extremely protracted and complicated by international issues.
Criminal Defence
R v Simon Vallor – One of the first prosecution under the Computer Misuse Act where the defendant had ‘created’ the third most virulent virus of its time.
R v Liverpool – Defended in the ‘Joss Stone’ Conspiracy to murder and kidnap case.
R v Collingwood -Exeter Crown Court – Defended in a hearing of the facts a notorious local businessman accused of extensive sexual abuse but who was too ill to be tried as he was unfit to plead.
R v S – Kingston Crown – Court defended a local VIP in allegations of serious sexual abuse.
Recently in the R v S at Harrow Crown Court the acquittal of a defendant in ‘Operation intrada’. In a trial lasting 6 weeks the defendants were alleged to have conspired together with others in the importation of in excess £30 million of cocaine. 788kg were intercepted by the authorities from containers that were being moved through the London Container Terminal at Tilbury.
R v GW – Blackfriars – Successfully defended in a notorious case involving the biting off of an ear on the tube.
Criminal Prosecution
R v LB – Prosecuted a well known rugby star involved in the supply of Crystal Meth at ‘Chemsex’ parties said to be similar to the TV show ‘breaking bad’.
Fraud & Financial Crime
R v D – Southwark Crown Court – Defended in the largest Advance fee fraud of its time.
R v S – CCC – Was an allegation of involvement in a boiler room fraud in Spain S was alleged to have committed a conspiracy to commit fraud by false representation. The date span in the indictment was 1st April 2007 and 31st December 2010. S had worked in a mid-level management role in a ‘boiler room’ operation in Spain. The ‘boiler room’ had targeted vulnerable and elderly investors selling to them worthless or low-value shares.
R v C – Kingston CC – Defended in ‘Operation Lothian’ a large scale ticket fraud stealing monies from TFL and SWT.
Professional Memberships
- Criminal Bar Association
- Middle Temple
- South Eastern Circuit
- Pupillage Supervisor
Awards, Qualifications & Other
Grade 1 CPS Counsel
School Governor